Where we were and where we’re going

Where we’ve been:

We moved and had a baby and celebrated our first anniversary and Abby started a new school and made new friends and we visited Minnesota (not as often as I would like, but more than I thought we would have time for considering that one: it’s hard to travel any distance when you’re a billion months pregnant and two: it’s hard to travel with a baby – but not as hard as one might think considering he was in MN 4 times in 6 months!). We celebrated a wedding and a college graduation.  We managed to stay gainfully employed in tough economic times and we avoided any major illnesses and broken bones.  We gained a new niece and lost one fine lady.

Through it all we have loved each other and our life with much gusto and passion.

I sat down a couple of nights ago to look through all of the pictures from this year, trying to summarize 2010, and I found that I had so many milestones to document each month that I had far more pictures pulled aside than I was going to have time to edit.  And it would have made for an awfully long blog post!  So, instead, I challenged myself to find one picture from each month that summarized our family the best.

And let me tell you…it. was. hard.  So much happens on a daily basis in our house – the kiddos change pretty much every time I turn around and we were busy this year.  So dang busy.  Some months we crammed more into 4 weeks than should be humanly possible without the aid of science. 

And I would not change any one moment – the good and the bad and the funny and the scary and the exciting and the terrifying – for all of the money in the galaxy.



Where we’re going:

I am never very good with change.  It makes my stomach hurl and my toes curl.  That being said, I think that the adventures that 2011 holds for us are way beyond my wildest imagination and I am (semi) prepared to embrace the changes that are floating on the wind just beyond our finger tips.

I have some ideas for this blog that I’m going to try to implement this winter (I’m simplifying my own life and dropping a couple of baby pounds, and if I can help you along the way and share some things that work for me…then, hooray!  Because what are we here for if not to make life easier for each other, right?).  I planted some tulips that I’m going to watch bloom this spring and I have plans for a family vacation that will need to be finalized as the snow melts.  I’ve got a baby turning 1 this summer.  And by the fall, I’ll have a girl solidly planted in the final stages of tween-hood and ready to dive into the throes teen-hood (Lord, help me!).   And I have a husband who I think might be easily swayed to take another mini-holiday with me before the year is over (I kind of feel like we started a tradition and I want to go with it.).

Come along for the ride, friends.  I think you’re going to like where this is going…

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