On my mind…switching gears

Well, hello, Monday morning.  Afternoon?  I don’t know, I’ve been sort of busy this morning pretending I’m IT savvy.  I am not, which is why it has taken me so long to switch my blog over to a new site.  I think I might like this one better.  Maybe.  We’ll see.

Actually, since our dinosaur computer is nearing death, I’ve been using Uriah’s computer.  And since Uriah has been working hours like we’re in the middle of the summer season, I haven’t seen him much.  Which means I haven’t seen his computer much.  Which means, I write a lot in my head, but not much gets put down on paper.  Although, by a stroke of luck, I have found that I can use the voice to text option on my phone to send myself emails.  Do you know how awesome this is?  I might just write an entire book using voice to text.  No typing necessary.  Well, a little post-editing, so almost no typing necessary.

I have some thoughts on Mother’s Day – I always do because this mothering business is hard.  And awesome.  And heartbreaking.  And joyful.  And frustrating.  And glorious.  And annoying.  And spectacular.  I guess I’d better untangle my thoughts before I sit down to write (or speak my thoughts into my phone, ’cause I can!).  However, I may or may not get around to it in a timely manner, because Uriah and work and dinosaur computer…remember?

Here’s what I have gotten around to:

  • Painted some new dining room chairs yesterday…Island Paradise (green) and Strawberry Yogurt (pink). I love them.
  • I have an end table that I’m going to paint in that same green.
  • I might want my whole house that color green.
  • I am a fair-weather color friend.  I give my loyalty to the color of the moment.  Last year it was a vintage aqua.  My whole house was going to be that aqua color last year.  This year…green.
  • I’m trying to convince Uriah that we should get white couches.  He seems to think that’s a bad idea.
  • Here’s why I think it’s a great idea: you can take the covers off and clean them and bleach them if necessary.
  • Plus Finn is almost 4 and we don’t generally let him eat ketchup or chocolate ice cream on the couch now, so I’m pretty sure that if we got a white couch, we wouldn’t change that rule.
  • We have started watching Game of Thrones.  I know, we’re a little late to the game (ha! I didn’t even plan that, but get it?  Game?  Of Thrones?  Okay…I’m probably the only one who finds that mildly amusing.).
  • I actually thought I was going to dislike it because…not really my genre of choice.
  • Turns out I liked it sooner than Uriah did (it took him a few episodes to get into it).
  • I like the character development and the story line is intriguing.  The writing is pretty good, but I need to get my eyes checked because some of the “foreign language” subtitles are a little hard to see and Uriah reading them out loud to me kind of ruins the affect.
  • I’m pretty sure I can do without most of HBO’s gratuitous sex scenes.  It makes some of the Soprano’s look tame.
  • Our grass is turning green.  Only because I have been raking out the sad dead grass from last year.  Finally.  That is a yucky job, but I guess if I want green grass I’d better do it.
  • Our backyard fence blew down a couple of weeks ago during a wind storm.
  • Nailing my husband down to a weekend of replacing it is like pinning jell-o on a cork board.
  • It will get done, though, because I feel exposed and I’m going to want to start hanging clothes out on my clothes lines pretty soon and I fear the bottleneck on our road if I hang out my unmentionables.  Or Finn’s Incredible Hulk undies.

Okay.  That’s the news from the Lake.  Nothing exciting, other than finally getting some computer time in.  Now I’d better get going on my crazy long list for the day.  It includes finding appropriate sized shorts and flip flops for Finn and sunblock for Abby.  And making soup because it’s cold and windy and rainy.  The dichotomy of living on the North Shore.

From our Mother’s Day Donut Adventure yesterday morning.  I’m glad this small human is mine:
