Is it me you’re looking for?

Hi.  It’s me again.

I thought you needed another update because….hello…it is obvious we Hefters (just me?) are full of a zest for life that is not limited to wearing the same yoga pants for an entire week and eating pancakes.  Speaking of, can you guess what’s for dinner here tomorrow?  Oh, you want to come over?  Sounds good…I’ll make some fancy rainbow colored pancakes, then.

I’m just kidding.  I probably won’t even have the wherewithal to make pancakes.  It’ll be leftovers.  But they’re good leftovers because my family was in town last weekend working for food.  Seriously.  They worked really, really hard on my yard and I made them really, really good food. I mean, except that one night that I attempted to make cheese stuffed ravioli.  That was a bad night.  Let’s forget I brought that night up.  I’m mostly Polish and not even a little bit Italian.  Why didn’t my Italian husband make the ravioli, you ask?  Because he was working that night, so it fell to me to make the pasta and stuff the cheese and concoct a red sauce with meat and open a salad bag and heat some breadsticks.  Why buy it, I said?  How hard can making pasta be, I said?  The answer is hard.  Really, really hard.

So my family came into town and my brother and my brother-in-law and my husband (when he wasn’t busy working and supplying the bacon to pay for the projects) tackled extending my back yard, replacing my sad, rotted front steps so I don’t die a painful death this winter, and downsizing Finn’s sandbox to include a cover so that the annoying feral neighborhood cats stop pooping in the sand (so disgusting and I think acceptable grounds for me to “dispose” of any cats I see roaming my yard and side-eyeing my son’s sandbox).

Oh, you want to see pictures?  Sure.  I’d love to show you pictures.  I took them all with my phone so you can bet they’re stellar.  You’re welcome.


Here’s the backstory: our privacy fence fell down during the gale force winds last spring.  Actually, I’m not entirely sure they were gale force, but that sounds better than “really, really strong wind.”  You’d think I’d be able to find a before picture of our yard but alas, I’m too lazy to dig through my phone right now.  Suffice it to say that in July when the kids and I came home after being gone nearly the entire month, our back yard looked like something that should be featured on an episode of Curb Appeal, and not because it looked so pretty; mostly because it looked like untamed wilderness that needed love and a weed-wacker.  And people could see all that untamed wilderness because our back yard was fenceless and open to anyone who wanted to gaze in disgust and wonder at my neglected gardens.  After lots of overwhelmed sighing and texts questioning whether or not something was a weed to pull or a flower to save, my mama and my auntie came in September to help me tame the wild beast that had become my backyard, and truthfully, to downsize some of the gardens.  They were the first thing that drew me to this house, but two years later it is glaringly obvious that I do not have as much gardening time as I originally thought I would.  So we made them more manageable, which also left loads of yard space that Uriah and I envisioned grass in.  Our thought was next spring, but apparently (according to our landscape contractor – aka: my brother-in-law) fall is the perfect time to lay sod (who would have thought?  Not us, but we went with his expert opinion).  So now we have a lush back yard.  Probably for another month before it snows.  The fence will be put up next spring because I like my back yard privacy.  And because I hang underwear on our clothes line.  Just keeping it real, people.

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Moving on to the front steps.  I fear for my mailman’s life on a daily basis.  Not really, mostly I fear for mine (those steps were not going to hold my weight for much longer).  I also like getting my monthly subscriptions and my daily bills without a side of lawsuit because my mailman broke a limb falling through our front stairs.  Also, for more selfish reasons: I want my small humans to use the front porch this winter so that their drippy, melty, snowy boots stay out there and do not clog up or liquefy my kitchen as they have done in winters past.  Now, this “use of the front porch for boots” plan also requires my husband to FIX THE SNOWBLOWER THAT HAS BEEN BROKEN FOR NEARLY ITS ENTIRE EXISTENCE , but another story for another time (really, I’m not bothered at all by the useless snowblower in my garage. Why should I be?).  Anyway, to use the front porch, we needed non-deathtrap steps.  Enter my brother and my brother-in-law and their combined construction skills.  Ta da!  New steps that no one will die on.  They’ll get painted next summer because the oldest man on earth who happens to work at our local lumberyard suggested we wait until July for the wood to dry out.  And when the man who looks like he’s been around since The Flood tells you to do something, you pay attention. Also, I don’t have an entirely finished picture of the steps because it’s dark out right now, but you get the idea.

I don’t have a picture of the sandbox either.  Wow, this post is really turning out to be anti-climactic where the pictures are concerned.  And I usually love a good before and after picture.  I apologize that you read all this way and you don’t get to see the finished steps or the new and improved sandbox.  Would it help if I told you that we are going to have a baby in the spring and that’s why we are trying to get these projects done now?  Does that take the sting off of my lack of picture taking ability in documenting our home improvement projects?

It probably also explains the pancakes and the yoga pants and the laziness, but I bet you already figured that out.

An update of sorts.



I’ve been on the verge of punting this kid into Lake Superior with nary a kiss good bye.

His “independence” and “strong-will” (read: “I don’t want to do that!” and an all out lay on the floor fit of epic proportions) are challenging. And exhausting. We had to take a time out from each other. Contrary to the picture we paint on social media life is messy and noisy and frustrating a lot of the time.  I am not exempt by any means; I like to share the pretty parts of our life life, too, because then I can ignore the dishes piled up or the laundry that’s overflowing or the fact that my husband is working another open to close day, so we’re having pancakes for dinner again.  I can ignore the fact that I haven’t dusted since the Clinton Administration and a family of mice could survive the winter on the crumbs under my kitchen table.  Don’t even ask me when the last time was that I changed the sheets on the bed; it would probably cause you to go into rapid heart palpitations because I can’t remember.

The truth is, we do the best we can each day with the knowledge that this too shall pass.  So we go for walks to the library or to the post office or to bike at the church parking lot up the street.  We play pirate ship and legos and draw endless pictures of semi trucks.  We listen to the Classical station for our rest time and I adhere to rest time as if our lives depend on.  Because our lives do depend on that 30 minutes of quiet time, no matter how much whining and wiggling I get in answer to, “You may get up when you hear the alarm go off.”  I’ve learned that if we don’t take the time to recharge quietly each afternoon, our evenings will be a shit show, without fail.

So when my husband asks me what we did on any given day and I give him a blank look, he knows that what we did was survive.


Abby got braces last week.  It was a long time coming and we were hoping some things would fall into place.  No one here is surprised they didn’t (except me.  I’m always surprised when what I think is going to happen doesn’t.  I guess I’m a daydream believer like that and probably always will be when it involves Abby).  Anyway, she can be a bit of a drama queen (understatement), so I told her prior to her ortho appointment that I knew it was going to be a big change, I knew it was going to be uncomfortable and that we would medicate for that, but for the love of all that’s holy, tone down the dramatics.

She did surprisingly well.  Finn got to watch the dentist work for a little bit, which was fun for him.  There were a few days that she didn’t want to eat anything because she was afraid whatever it was would get stuck in her braces, or her mouth was a little tender.  We had to work slowly past that; it was going to be a long year and a half if all she wanted to eat was yogurt and applesauce.  I have pictures – before braces, first day with braces – I can’t wait to see the progression of our investment in her smile.  She’s always had a beautiful smile that lights up her whole face, but this…this is going to be transformative.  I’ll probably only share those pictures on here when we get to the end result.  She’s been so self conscious of her smile, especially in the last couple of years, that I respect her request not to share right now.  I did tell her that I’m paying for these braces so I will take as many pictures as I want (they’ll just go in her photo book and not on the blog).


So that’s what’s new here – mostly.  There’s more, but it’s late and I’m tired, so another story for another time, yes?

Finneaus – Year 4 Birthday Interview

I’ll ease my way back into writing slowly…it’s been a few months and I’m probably pretty rusty, but I sure can interview the crap out of a 4 year old, so that seems like an easy way to start.


My best boy is 4 now.

I still have a hard time with how big 4 is.  It comes with a whole new attitude, a sassy voice, mimicking his sister, learning to ride a bike, preparing for preschool in a few months (the preparing is mostly on my part, actually – he’s already pretty excited).  He sings made-up songs, his imaginary friend is called Baby Bear, and he has started to play with Legos.  He loves to read (well, he loves to look at the pictures/have us read out loud to him, but if it’s a rhyming book, he will do some of the rhyming himself) and has been seeking out the Scooby-Doo chapter books at the library (side note: our library has maybe 3.  We have read them all.  Numerous times).  Uriah and I love to read out loud to him at bedtime and this spring/summer we’ve made our way through the first Harry Potter, The Hobbit and some of the Ramona Quimby books.  His temper seems to be a little shorter and his independence has hit an all time high.  He has a mind like a steel trap – he remembers everything and he hears everything.  Nap times are non-existent, but afternoon rest time seems to be enough to recharge the batteries until bedtime.  He still wants to be held and snuggled (usually for bedtime stories), which I will oblige for as long as I can!


Birthday Interview: Finneaus Uriah Hefter, 4


What kind of birthday party did you have?  Monster trucks!,  I love monster trucks!

Was it fun?  Yes.  I got to play with my friends.

What’s your favorite color?  Blue

What books do you like to read?  Reading program books and Scooby-Doo.

What is your favorite animal?  Giraffes.

What is your favorite food?  Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!

Do you help cook?  Yes.

What is your favorite thing to cook?  Tomato soup.

How do you make tomato soup?  Tomatoes and I’m not sure what else.

What is your favorite fruit?  Watermelon because it’s kind of sour but not that sour and it helps me do lots of stuff and that’s awesome.

What is your favorite song?  I’m not sure.  The Alabama Arkansas song.

What is your favorite show?  Phineas & Ferb is my favorite.

What’s your favorite thing to do with Daddy?  Play Legos because I love him.

What’s your favorite thing to do with Mama?  Play Marble Run.

What are you going to do now that you’re 4?  Listen to my instructions.

What do you want to be when you grow up?  A construction worker because they get to build things.

What are you going to build?  A skyscraper.

Where will you live when you grow up?  With you!  I want to live with you forever because you’re so sweet to me!


From our summer so far:

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On my mind…switching gears

Well, hello, Monday morning.  Afternoon?  I don’t know, I’ve been sort of busy this morning pretending I’m IT savvy.  I am not, which is why it has taken me so long to switch my blog over to a new site.  I think I might like this one better.  Maybe.  We’ll see.

Actually, since our dinosaur computer is nearing death, I’ve been using Uriah’s computer.  And since Uriah has been working hours like we’re in the middle of the summer season, I haven’t seen him much.  Which means I haven’t seen his computer much.  Which means, I write a lot in my head, but not much gets put down on paper.  Although, by a stroke of luck, I have found that I can use the voice to text option on my phone to send myself emails.  Do you know how awesome this is?  I might just write an entire book using voice to text.  No typing necessary.  Well, a little post-editing, so almost no typing necessary.

I have some thoughts on Mother’s Day – I always do because this mothering business is hard.  And awesome.  And heartbreaking.  And joyful.  And frustrating.  And glorious.  And annoying.  And spectacular.  I guess I’d better untangle my thoughts before I sit down to write (or speak my thoughts into my phone, ’cause I can!).  However, I may or may not get around to it in a timely manner, because Uriah and work and dinosaur computer…remember?

Here’s what I have gotten around to:

  • Painted some new dining room chairs yesterday…Island Paradise (green) and Strawberry Yogurt (pink). I love them.
  • I have an end table that I’m going to paint in that same green.
  • I might want my whole house that color green.
  • I am a fair-weather color friend.  I give my loyalty to the color of the moment.  Last year it was a vintage aqua.  My whole house was going to be that aqua color last year.  This year…green.
  • I’m trying to convince Uriah that we should get white couches.  He seems to think that’s a bad idea.
  • Here’s why I think it’s a great idea: you can take the covers off and clean them and bleach them if necessary.
  • Plus Finn is almost 4 and we don’t generally let him eat ketchup or chocolate ice cream on the couch now, so I’m pretty sure that if we got a white couch, we wouldn’t change that rule.
  • We have started watching Game of Thrones.  I know, we’re a little late to the game (ha! I didn’t even plan that, but get it?  Game?  Of Thrones?  Okay…I’m probably the only one who finds that mildly amusing.).
  • I actually thought I was going to dislike it because…not really my genre of choice.
  • Turns out I liked it sooner than Uriah did (it took him a few episodes to get into it).
  • I like the character development and the story line is intriguing.  The writing is pretty good, but I need to get my eyes checked because some of the “foreign language” subtitles are a little hard to see and Uriah reading them out loud to me kind of ruins the affect.
  • I’m pretty sure I can do without most of HBO’s gratuitous sex scenes.  It makes some of the Soprano’s look tame.
  • Our grass is turning green.  Only because I have been raking out the sad dead grass from last year.  Finally.  That is a yucky job, but I guess if I want green grass I’d better do it.
  • Our backyard fence blew down a couple of weeks ago during a wind storm.
  • Nailing my husband down to a weekend of replacing it is like pinning jell-o on a cork board.
  • It will get done, though, because I feel exposed and I’m going to want to start hanging clothes out on my clothes lines pretty soon and I fear the bottleneck on our road if I hang out my unmentionables.  Or Finn’s Incredible Hulk undies.

Okay.  That’s the news from the Lake.  Nothing exciting, other than finally getting some computer time in.  Now I’d better get going on my crazy long list for the day.  It includes finding appropriate sized shorts and flip flops for Finn and sunblock for Abby.  And making soup because it’s cold and windy and rainy.  The dichotomy of living on the North Shore.

From our Mother’s Day Donut Adventure yesterday morning.  I’m glad this small human is mine:


On going granola.

We live on the North Shore, in the woods (well, not in the woods…we actually live in town, but the woods are like 5 steps away. And so is the lake.).  Up here it feels very self-sufficient…wood-burning stoves and laundry on the lines and home-schooling and a teeny-tiny community farmer’s market in the summer. We have a community composting site that we take advantage of in all the months that don’t have snow. We also have our own composting bin in the back yard (it came with the house, we didn’t have to build it, I just benefit from the soil it produces), and we recycle what we can. If we could have chickens in town, I’d probably convince Uriah to let me raise a few of those, too.  I try to repurpose things as much as I can and my insides (and wallet) get happy when I’m thrifting or junking or antiquing.

For awhile now I’ve wanted to try making home-made laundry soap. Over the weekend, I took that to the next level, making fabric softener, oxy-clean, and dishwasher detergent, as well.  It was as if one of the Kilcher’s came and homesteaded right in my very own kitchen (except my kitchen is not in the Alaskan wilderness and I don’t have to kill a bear, a moose, a deer and catch a couple hundred pounds of salmon to make it through the winter – I just head on over to the Super One when I run out of meat). I spent an afternoon grating and boiling and mixing and stirring and was amazed at how much got done in a relatively short amount of time.

I utilized my Home-Wifery Bible (aka: Pinterest) for the best and most sought after cleaning recipes.  I used this recipe for the laundry detergent – I am not a fan of powdered laundry detergent, so I went with a liquid form.  I found that I have to shake it up really well before I use it because it kind of congeals and settles a bit, but I cannot even tell you how soft our towels felt when I pulled them out of the dryer today.  I also used this recipe for the fabric softener, I just used some conditioner that I had on hand to try it out, but I think I’ll try to find a more natural (read: less stuff in it) conditioner next time I make fabric softener. I also didn’t add any essential oils to my softener because I like my laundry to be mostly un-scented.  I like soft stuff and this fabric softener will mostly be used when I hang things outside to dry in a few months weeks.  I think line drying can make jeans and towels stiff and scratchy without a little softening boost, but I am loath to use the dryer in the summer time and sheets smell so much better after hanging outside in the sunshine all day long, anyway. 

I usually buy Cascade in bulk at Sam’s Club, and actually just ran out over the weekend, so…perfect timing! Everything I read about home made dishwasher detergent touted how it made clear glasses sparkle and shine, and it is true. Sometimes when I used Cascade I felt that my glasses came out feeling a little filmy – clean, but not quite clear.  Well, consider me converted.  Everything came out extra clean and sparkly and non-filmy.  This is the recipe I used.  I think it’s the vinegar in the rinse cycle that made everything so clean, but nothing smelled vinegary after it had cycled through.  

Speaking of vinegar, I also used it to clean my dishwasher this weekend, because the last time we did that was never.  (Truthfully, I was a little disgusted by how much crust I wiped out of there.)  And I used vinegar to clean out the microwave and I ran it through my coffee maker to clean that out, too.  I feel like this is a public service announcement for vinegar, but seriously.  No random cleaning chemicals, just plain, old vinegar.  My Grandma would be so proud (she swore by vinegar for everything. Everything.  Sore muscles?  Rub some vinegar on it.  Hard to clean pot?  Use some vinegar.  Mosquito bite?  You guessed it…vinegar.)

After I had everything done and cleaned up in the kitchen yesterday, I left for the gym for an hour of alone time (yes, I go the gym for quiet time) and my husband took care of feeding the small humans (nitrate-filled hot dogs, biscuits from a can, sodium laced potato chips and apple sauce that I didn’t make.  Baby steps to a granola lifestyle, I guess).  Turns out Uriah had a bit of an adverse reaction to all of the cleaning fumes in the kitchen and took to his bed shortly after I got home.  For 12 hours straight.  So…keep this in mind if you’re going to make your own soaps and stuff: making your own crap is thrifty and awesome, but crack a window or two.

Quick Reference:
Laundry Soap
Fabric Softener
Dishwasher detergent

On winter & spring.

Last fall, for a hundred reasons, I didn’t plant a single bulb, in fact I barely touched the gardens around our house; I’m not entirely certain I winterized anything out there.

I let the gardens fall under the weight of frost and then snow. All winter long, I ignored them, buried deep just beyond my window panes.  I watched the snowflakes pile one on top of the other until I could no longer see the markers at the end of the garden path or the tip top of the peony bushes that still stood tall in their metal cages because I didn’t cut any of the dead branches back at the end of the season.  I sat by as the wind whipped snow into first ankle deep, then knee deep then, in spots, hip deep drifts.  Our back yard was a blanket of fluffy white, mostly quiet and tranquil except when the sun deigned to make an appearance.  Then it hurt my eyes to look outside, the glare bouncing on the razor sharp edges of snowflakes.

Slowly, though, as the winter wore on, I began to think about what was buried deep beneath the frigid mounds.  I began to plan for them again. A thought here, a note of something new to plant there. Sporadic, at best, but thoughts nonetheless.  

By Easter, I was ready to rake and pull and cut and make room for something new and lovely out of the fallow and silent.  I had my rain boots on and my rake and clippers in hand, the sun was warm on the top of my head and my expectations of this early forage into the gardens were low – very low. 

So you can imagine my surprise at the small shoots all over the place, carrying on as if I hadn’t neglected them at all. Green leaves curling into the sun, reaching up. From the darkness of winter comes forth abundant spring.

The truth is, we all need that rest, the cold cover of a winter season.  And I found in those moments, as I stared in wonder at my garden’s ability to persevere and press on, that I appreciated those fledgling green curls of leaf so much more than I ever have before.  In spite of all of that darkness – or perhaps because of it –  we still have the ability to bloom.

On my mind…It’s still winter.

  • I don’t even really have the energy to write because we are bracing for more snow and I feel as though I should be under my covers hibernating.
  • It’s still winter here, even though the calendar says spring. 
  • Our computer is about ready to die.
  • No one is surprised; it is a dinosaur and we got it used at least 7 years ago.
  • Someone is annoyed.  And feeling cheap and not wanting to expend the finances that it will take to get a new one.
  • I have dumped everything onto our external hard drive, but it’s not hooked up to Uriah’s computer, so I don’t have access to pictures.
  • I’ve been using Uriah’s but by the time he gets home in the evening, I’d rather hang out with him than write. 
  • My feet are cold.
  • I have been reading like a crazy person, so many good books are out right now or are about to come out.
  • My Amazon wish list is giant.
  • I’m still navigating e-readers through our library.  It is an asinine system to search for books and I find myself annoyed and frustrated when I do it.  There has to be an easier way.
  • I’ve been watching some questionable Netflix shows lately.  The kind that do not stimulate the mind but hook you anyway? 
  • We are only a few episodes into the new season of House of Cards (also on Netflix, not questionable at all).  We are trying to spread the season out as we watched the first season in about 2 weeks. 
  • I’m ready to start going to antique stores and flea markets and junk shows. 
  • I have an absurd amount of furniture in the cottage just waiting to be painted this spring.
  • I’ve also been sifting and sorting through some of the boxes that we haven’t looked at since we moved.
  • I realize that we moved almost two years ago.  Boxes just full of surprises, I tell you!
  • Finn’s favorite game to play is hide and seek. 
  • I jumped out and scared him one time when I was hiding and he was seeking and it was so funny.  Seriously, he did this little dance jump and some jazz hands and he might have almost tinkled a little. Now he has to remind me every day not to scare him. I feel kind of bad about that, actually.
  • But it hasn’t stopped him from wanting to play hide and seek one trillion times a day.
  • And just so you know, there are only so many places to hide in this house.
  • Abby’s play is almost ready to perform.
  • To hear her talk about it the whole thing is a master flop and no one knows their cues and someone will have to stand off stage and feed everyone their lines for the entirety of the performance.
  • She is such a drama queen.
  • We have a baby sitter for Finn for 2 nights (extravagant) and I think Uriah and I are going to go out on a dinner date before we go to the show (also extravagant).
  • Family galore is coming into town to see her big theater debut.  I can’t wait.  I miss my mom. And my Dad.  And my sister.  And my brother.  And my aunties.  And Ady. 
  • I’m trying to adjust my diet because I’m caught in a rut.  It is not good.  Not good at all.
  • I’ve been webMD-ing myself and I can assure you, I have a multitude of ailments.
  • Do not diagnose yourself using webMD unless you want to entertain the though that you might be susceptible to the Ebola virus, mad-cow disease, H1N1 and the Bird Flu, malfunctioning organs and acne.
  • It’s time to make dinner and I’ve already put Finn in his jammies so this night can just roll right along in a smooth manner.
  • You know…the faster to bed, the quicker we can wake up and shovel another foot of snow.

On granola and spring.

Winter is groaning on and on and on.  I am certainly envious of the pictures of spring break and spring I see on Facebook and Instagram.  I want spring.  I want tulips and the start of grass and pretty purple crocuses easing their way out of the ground, and in lieu of all of that in my own back yard, I’d take a vacation someplace warm and tropical.

My yard is still covered with feet and feet of snow, and probably will be for some time…long past the start of spring in a few weeks, maybe even right up until the first day of summer.  And so I’m breathing deeply this week, reminding myself that there is beauty in the snow sparkling in the sunshine.  There is something primitive about the icicles hanging sharply from the roof.  We can still snuggle up in the afternoon, under a blanket and with some hot cocoa and be content to hibernate a little bit longer.  Summer brings busyness and gardening and the lake and vacations.  Right now, we can move a little bit slower, simmer soup a little bit longer, enjoy the days with nothing to do…no running, no errands, no appointments…and instead we can read books and play games and build train tracks that use every ounce of our imagination and ingenuity.  We can spend an afternoon covered in flour, making cookies and singing and stopping for the occasional dance party.

I pulled out my granola recipe last week; actually, I pulled out two granola recipes and kind of married them into one beautiful, easy granola.  I feel sort of hippie when I make granola, and last week was no exception. Finn helped me mix it together using the bits and pieces that I found in our drawers and I had a little Minnesota honey left, so it smelled like spring as it was baking.  I kept it on the counter to cool and crisp up and I couldn’t stop snacking on it.  It’s delicious on yogurt and even more amazing in these cookies.  I’ve made these cookies before just the way the recipe reads, but this time I omitted the apricots and blueberries (because I didn’t have any) and used the dried cherries and pomegranates that I also used in the granola instead.  I also added a half cup of chocolate chips (because I did have those!) and I used the granola we’d just made.  Finn helped me roll the cookies into balls, but next time I will flatten them a little bit.  These are seriously so good.  I might have given them the blessing to be breakfast cookies – because granola and dried fruit is totally breakfast food, right?

Spring is coming. The windows will open and the fresh air – cool, but not cold – will clean out the stale smell of winter.  Our days will be full of gardening and walking and just being outside.  Until then I’ve been motivated to dive into closets and cupboards and drawers; cleaning and organizing and purging.  We can’t be outside right now, not really when the temperatures still plummet below zero, but when the ground thaws and the green peeks and the tulips reach up out of the dark, we will be there waiting and watching and sighing with relief.

Cherry Granola

  • 2 3/4 cups old-fashioned rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans
  • 1/2 cup dried cherries
  • 1/2 cup dried pomegranates
  • 1/2 cup dried dates, chopped
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
Preheat oven to 300 degrees.  Mix the oats, nuts and fruit in a large bowl.  On the stove top, bring the butter, honey and oil just to a boil; pour over the oat mixture and stir to coat completely.

Spread evenly on a rimmed baking sheet and place in oven for 15 minutes.  Stir and bake another 5-10 minutes longer, just until brown.  Remove from oven and cool completely on wire rack stirring occasionally and breaking up larger chunks.  Store in sealed container for up to 2 weeks. 

*Use whatever dried fruit you have/like: raisins, craisins, apricots, dried blueberries.  Same with the nuts: you can substitute walnuts or almonds, I’ve even done a mixture of nuts if I have some random quantities to use up.

On Family Court & Deadbeat Moms

I cried after court this week.

Yes, we went to court again.  Yes, we’re dealing with Abby’s mom again.  And yes, I don’t talk about it too much for a bunch of reasons, not the least of which is that this is a very personal family issue and I grew up in a house where family issues stay in the family; and also because this is Abby’s story and she has an opinion and feelings and I sometimes don’t feel like it’s my place to parade the junky parts of our life out there for God and everyone.

This time it’s different and I’m not sure why, but it feels like I have to get this all out and off of my chest because I feel like I’m suffocating.  For years my most fervent desire was to find someone like me. Someone who is busy raising a kid that’s not her own; a kid that she has no responsibility to other than the responsibility she puts on herself. Someone who understands me when I say that raising this child that I didn’t grow – who I’ve really only known for about 7 years (and they’ve been tumultuous at best, downright impossible at the worst.) is easily the single hardest thing I’ve ever done.  Sometimes it feels like teaching an old dog new tricks and that it’s easy to disassociate because she isn’t “technically” my responsibility.

I don’t have a legal stake in Abby, but I’m emotionally and financially involved in all of the things that make up the nuances of her life.  I’ve scrimped and saved for her. I’ve laid awake in bed at night discussing her. I’ve agonized over her decisions and I’ve celebrated her successes. I taught her how to shave her legs and I explained periods and boys and sometimes I advise her on her hair or make-up. I buy her school clothes and supplies and I make her lunch every morning. I drive her to and from sporting events and play practice; I cheer in the bleachers and in the auditorium. I go to her band concerts and her choir concerts and her plays and her volleyball games. I advocate on her behalf. I take her to the doctor’s office and schedule her follow-up appointments and pay her co-pays. I sat outside and prayed during every single therapy session she’s ever had. I wash her clothes and try not to make a huge deal out of her incredibly messy room.  I make sure she is fed, that she goes to church and learns about God and that she understands that her brother is not her half-brother, he’s just her brother. I make sure she has chores so she learns responsibility, but I try to let her be a kid because she grew up really, really fast and all these years later, Uriah and I still mourn that; but we don’t regret it.

In the grand scheme of all of the times we went to court on Abby’s behalf – on our family’s behalf – this week’s hearing was very, very minor.  And yet it was huge.  Abby’s mom requested a change of child-support.  She wants to pay nothing.  She wants to have zero financial obligation to her child.  No child support. No medical bills. And the sad thing is that, based on her “testimony,” the court will probably side with her because that’s actually how the law is written.

And so I cried in the car, in our driveway, after biting my tongue for the half-hour hearing because I wanted to scream to everyone in that court room that this whole thing is a big farce; it’s a classic case of fake and dodge responsibility, which, based on our involvement with Abby’s mom, is pretty much her M.O.

The thing is: Uriah and I can obviously support Abby without any financial help.  We’ve been doing just that for the 5 years that Abby’s been living with us full-time.  And in 5 years, we haven’t pursued help from any outside financial institution – not for medical help, not to enforce the child-support obligation that is owed. This doesn’t make us awesome nor does it put us on a pedestal; it simply means that we’ve buckled down and done what needed to be done to raise our kids, it just so happens that one of our kids technically only belongs to half of us. But I don’t believe in that technicality.  I worked a full-time job to make sure Abby’s summer programs and after-school care were paid for. I made sure she got to her Girl Scout meetings and that she was able to play volleyball. And now I stay at home as much for Finn as I do for Abby, to drive her to and from school; to make sure she has dinner ready before she goes to her activities and that she doesn’t have to eat alone or be home alone or have the obligation of constantly watching out for her little brother. I stay home so that there is always someone here for her when she needs us – phone call from school for tylenol for cramps or a request to stay after and be picked up later to get some work done.

I don’t want to have to explain to Abby that once again, her mom wants nothing to do with her. She doesn’t call, she doesn’t write, and now she doesn’t even want to support her from afar.

And I don’t want to rant about Deadbeat Moms. I don’t want to feel like the justice system is slanted – and not in our favor, which it doesn’t need to be but I do think that it needs to be more balanced in general. I don’t want to have to deal with the anxiety and annoyance that comes with listening to someone sing her own song of “poor me.”

And so I cried in the car. It’s easy to be frustrated when things don’t look the way we’d like them to or when things follow a path that we think isn’t the correct path.  I cried to clear my mind and my heart so that I can see more clearly this new path that is opening up to us.

I can see a little more clearly now that this has potential to be just what we didn’t know we always needed.

Let’s Pretend It’s Spring! (Psych! It’s really just another winter storm!)

We played this little game last week called, “Let’s Pretend It’s Spring!”

The weather got up to 39 degrees two days in a row and it was like a little bit of heaven on our white, frozen tundra.  Uriah and I decided to fully embrace the warm weather by wearing only sweatshirts outside – we were bold: no hats, no mittens; although I did cheat and wear a scarf.  Finn obviously was not allowed to play outside without his full winter-gear, but we did forego his hood and scarf.  The sun was shining, the snow was melting, it totally felt like spring.  I stood in the sunshine, the warm, warm sunshine and I figured that stupid groundhog was full of shit about his shadow and spring and 6 more weeks of never-ending-winter, so we cleaned the snow off of the grill and used it 2 nights in a row!  I’d forgotten how good grilling is…the clean up is so minimal.  I love that.

The downside is that the warm-ish weather causes snow to get sloppy and that gets tracked into the house and I tried really hard not to care because…it was warm and spring-like!  I can handle a little melty, dirty snow on the kitchen floor if it means we can open windows (we did not, by the way, open any windows. Uriah was firm on that one.).  We came to the conclusion that everyone needs new rain boots before spring hits full-force; I really do hate having wet feet and wet pants legs and Finn wore holes in his boots last spring/summer/fall.  I’m not really sure why I didn’t throw them away when I did fall cleaning.  The warmer weather also makes snow pants much wetter much sooner; and I resorted to putting his outside clothes in the dryer rather than on the radiator because Finn wanted to play outside often and dry clothes are necessary.

Then, you know…reality hit and we got 12 million feet of snow on Thursday night (actually is was more like 12 inches, but it all feels the same) and school was cancelled on Friday and our grill is once again a snow white mound in the back yard. No more grilling for awhile; back to coats and hats and mittens and boots. I plan to go to Home Depot next week to buy some grass seed.  I’m going to plant it and watch it grow and run my fingers though it because based on the height of the snow piles in my back yard, I will not see grass until at least June.  We might even be able to have a sledding party for Finn’s birthday in July.